Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is/are, this/ these, with or without?

These signs are at the pool area in the complex where my daughter lives!
I am hoping my grandson has not been reading them for the sake of his English heritage.

They make me so mad, I quote "I want to throw the people who ordered them wif several stones." unquote.
If you don't know a language well, just ask someone who does. One would have thought the sign writer would have suggested correcting the language errors.

PS Braai is the South African word for barbecue.


Kittencat said...


BabaMzungu said...

When I was out in South Africa, I noticed a sign advertising a braai, using the word "BRAII".
Although my knowledge of Afrikaans is virtually non-existent, even I picked this one up!

Spear The Almighty said...

I think you should stay clear of the UAE then. :)