Why are child maintenance court battles such long drawn out affairs? Why do all the parties concerned have to go back and forth, often from one city to another with flights and time off work, both rather costly these days, to be told by the magistrate that this or that is needed and to come back in one month, or two months, or whatever time to carry on the case?
Why is there not one magistrate allocated to the case instead of whoever happens to be on duty the day of the court appearance? Most of all why are travel expenses paid to the party who is being challenged for not paying the child maintenance while the other party often has to hire a lawyer to state their case as the courts are not helping them at all.
How often do we hear that the dribs and drabs that have been paid over for maintenance have in fact had to go to pay lawyers fees, and we all know that the lawyers will always say you owe it to the child/children to get the maintenance for them.
In my ultimate and very learned wisdom I suggest to the courts that a date be set for the court hearing and each party is to be instructed to bring their latest bank statements (the usual 3 months) , proof of DNA testing if required, and any other relevant information the courts might need such as general monthly expenses, how many children are involved etc. etc.
Then all parties concerned to sit down and discuss and make decisions there and then as to how the maintenance should be paid and who is responsible for paying for what.
Any breach of the agreement and the guilty party should be locked up. Is not providing for ones child a form of child abuse?
Instead the whole rigmarole is dragged out often over years, the children go without, everyone's time is wasted and as so often is the case it is the innocent who are made to suffer.
If we do not speak up and out about cases such as these nothing is going to change. Come on let's all start showing what is happening to these children and take their fights to the very public forum of the internet.
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