I was taught not to lie, not to make promises that I had no intention of ever keeping, to respect others beliefs and views, to be polite and to never expect others to follow my advice without first proving in some way or other that my advice might just be worth taking. I was brought up not to try and bully people into my ways of thinking and behaving and to have enough pride in myself to be myself.
All I am seeing at the moment is whites trying to behave as blacks, blacks trying to behave as whites, the Indians and coloureds swinging from one side to another as they are easily influenced by the colour of the crowd in front of them. How can any of them expect us to respect them when they cannot even openly admit to their colour, which for their information, is the easiest thing to see in any of them.
I am a white, English speaking, South African citizen who is not feeling very proud of the country's would be leaders as they slither and slide their way around the political circus (arenas being used for more serious and truthful things such as cheer leading), as they try to convince us of their noble minded plans for our future. Plans where they will always be the ones with the large houses and bank balances. These farinaceous parasitic abusers of their country men should be forced to live in the sordid squalor of any of our now quite famous squatter camps so that they may learn how so many of their fellows humans survive.
Several years ago I sat in a waiting room with several elderly black men and woman and I have never forgotten what one of the dignified old gentlemen said to the group, "Nelson Mandela has forgotten the old people, he does not care about us", every one of the elderly folk in that room that day agreed with this statement. I ask has anything improved for the elderly?
I would also like answers to such questions as: Why is our education system getting worse? Why are our hospitals and medical services getting worse? Why are our roads in such a state? Why are South Africa citizens so angry? Why is racism getting to a critical state? Why is our police force so corrupt? What is our government doing to solve the unemployment? Why does nothing in this country seem to work as it used to?
Stop blaming apartheid, it is long gone, face up to the music of the tunes you have created since those days. If you want South Africa to be considered as a First World country then it needs to be run by trustworthy leaders not by those who are voted in because of tribal links or threats.
Democracy is all very well, but when voting is done according to a name or group then we need to realise that democratic rights are been given not only to the educated but also the uneducated and until we can truly educate our population as to the whys' and wherefores' of what happens at the political dining table , then it will always be the poor masses that will be thrown the dry dog bones that are no longer needed by their false prophet leaders.
It is time for South African politicians to stop sitting on their walls and to get into the pond of ordinary people and to start doing what is best for all - no matter what their colour or creed may be.
Honesty in the end is truly the best policy.
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